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People Everywhere Actually Co-existing Equally…
is an artist collective dedicated to the creative upliftment of children and youth through artistic expression.
Rooted in the enlightenment of sound and musical therapy,
P.E.A.C.E. focuses on using art as a means for communication, education and innovation.
P.E.A.C.E. looks to inspire dreams and encourage passion to nuture great ideas, produce confident leaders and promote healthy communities. By creating a global culture of change for the betterment of existence we can truly say we do all things “in the rhythm of P.E.A.C.E.”


The P.E.A.C.E. MovementMore than just a brilliant acronym P.E.A.C.E. is what needs to happen
The only way is through individual action
More than two fingers parted in the air or a symbol on a shirt
This is work from the heart to preserve the earth.
Many say it will never be
But this won’t change what we believe
It Starts inside then into speech
It moves your hands and then your feet
Daily in your mind repeat…
I walk in the rhythm of peace and
I talk in the rhythm of peace…PEACEuniversal

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